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December 31, 2016

Filed in: Womanhood

What is it about perspective that helps us see more clearly?  At each new level of life we gain perspective and we wish we could have understood it long before…  As I approach the new year looking back on what’s been done, and looking forward at what’s to come, I can’t help but have a new perspective… one that’s a little different.  One that remains the same.

Each one of us are unique and will go through a variety of circumstances to help teach us things as we go.  Rather than thinking of perspective as always changing with each new experience however, I’m realizing I wish to have a perspective that stays the same… to think that regardless of what happens good or bad, I stay true.  Not in a bad, non growth type of way, but in the way that I keep my integrity.  I try to do good whatever comes my way.  I stay constant.  In fights with my husband, or bad days with my kids, I choose to lift my thoughts to higher ground.  I’m learning to be stronger and that I can change a lot by my perspective and response.

Yes, there will always be mistakes and lessons learned, but I’m committing this year to keep my perspective on a higher level than just each high and low.  Rather to focus on a heavenly perspective and ask myself in each new season, place, disagreement, achievement…. what is the bigger picture?  how can this honor god?  what is god teaching through this?  I’ve started noticing this more in my life and it truly helps me take the focus off of me and have a much clearer perspective and idea for what I should be doing with my life.  It helps in those little and big moments of life and it’s part of my new year’s resolution.  My word this year is C O N S I S T A N C Y.  So here’s to a consistant perspective!

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