
Read the Blog




a blog challenge…

July 1, 2015

Hey guys!  I’m going to get really personal on this blog post because its a post that I’m writing to help me develop as a blogger and grow my ideas for what to blog about.

I’ve been blogging a good six months now to get a feel for how to blog, what I like to blog about, and what other people want me to share on my blog… I obviously enjoy blogging as a creative outlet and to document our life and some of my passions,  but Ive always wanted my blog to become more than that and be something that helps and inspires others…

I signed up for a blog challenge that helps me define my purpose more and for the first day I am suppose to blog about “who are you talking to?”  I was asked to be very specific so I could help define what kind of people would benefit from my blog and I hope if your reading this you will relate to my description in some way, but if not please pass the information along because someone you know may like or need what I have to share;)


Here’s what I came up with about the kind of people I think would “get” my blog and enjoy following along…

I am writing to dreamers, believers, and achievers… people who are fighters, who are always looking for ways to grow, learn, and develop themselves more.  People who appreciate this crazy beautiful life and want to make the most of it.  People who understand the journey.  To those who seek intention, contentment, and fulfillment in their lifestyle.  I am writing SPECIFICALLY to people interested in personal wellness, family, home, fashion, beauty, community, hospitality, photography, and travel.

This people group are my kind of people! They are similar to me, and I would develop rapport with them easily.  They speak my language.  I am drawn to them because I am going down the same road with them and I have experience and insight to share with them about topics they’re into…  I want to help them.. I want to encourage them. I’m in their shoes! I may have some insight from my personal experience that they are looking for and need.

These are topics I’m passionate about.  These topics are part of who I am. They are topics that I will never grow tired of learning about and hope to always be blooming in.

I want to encourage you, inspire you. and give you the understanding that you can succeed.  You can make ordinary life extraordinary!

Love the journey.


This actually really helped me look at the picture of the direction I want to pursue on my blog so I appreciate your support and thanks so much for reading.  Hope that this brought clarity to you as well for what’s to come!

Love each of you,

xo kc

comments +

  1. your blog is beautiful and love your writing as well. keep it up FGB!!!

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