Small Talk July 2015

August 7, 2015

Filed in: Family Life

July pretty much looked like this.  Hot summer days had us in the water as much as possible.  Between our creek bank and papa’s pool we stayed cool.  The kids love the outdoors and they are finally all getting big enough where it feels a little easier to get out to the water with them.

The day I took these photos I surprised them with a trip down to the water and thought in my mind they would rush away to play and I would just sit back, watch, take photos, and enjoy some peaceful times… Well, that’s not quite how it went.  I soon discovered that it wasn’t one of those days and they aren’t THAT big yet!  They wanted mama to be right there doing everything with them.  Of course I had to get in, float down, let everyone float down on me, catch everyone who floated down, catch everyone a crawdad, carry everyone’s stuff, and well the list goes on…. I left that day tired and a little frustrated thinking why can’t they just play together and have fun without me doing every little thing with them/for them???

I stopped and listened to myself and said Kasey, quit rushing it… love the fact that they want you right there, it won’t last forever, and show them that your present and HAPPY to be present…  I recognized that they may be growing but their still very little in the big scheme of things and I need to slow myself down just a bit and simply keep being their mama, their everything.

Us mom’s sometimes get worn down from feeling like were their everything, but isn’t that what we long for at the same time? It’s what’s hard but it’s ALWAYS what’s good too.

This month was special because the kiddos made some great strides in their swimming skills.  Here’s me recording some tidbits from July I don’t want to forget…

Dakota Rose

  • made the swim team and ended up the champion in her free style age division out of all of northwest Arkansas.
  • lost her first big front tooth!!!!! Somebody get me a kleenex:(
  • loves to listen to good music- she got her mama’s taste;)

Jake Wyatt

  • learned to swim without his life jacket and jumps off the board- yay!!!
  •  enjoys listening to poetry- yes he’s likely gonna be the next heart throb on the big screen;)
  • likes keeping a routine and reminds me when I get off track:)))

Finnley Keith

  • OMG- awnry… need I say more?
  • likes to make lots of messes and helping himself in the kitchen -i.e.  steals the ice cream and hides in his closet as he eats it forgetting that when he leaves the box and spoon behind mommy will find out;) same goes for pudding, yogurt, and crunched up animal crackers…:(
  • says sorry to everyone for everything even though he doesn’t really mean it…. sorry I have to leave guys, sorry I did that but I had to, sorry but …. //  oh he’s soooooo 3!!!


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