I always love February because we get to celebrate love. I shared some of my instagram photos this month because I love instagram… It’s like my everyday blog. I use it as a way to collect mini moments of our lives and then I can look back on it like a photo album… There are so many great businesses now too that offer varieties of print options for your instagram photos so scrapbooking in my opinion is long gone and instagramming is where it’s at! If you don’t have an instagram you should totally get one and then you will see why I love it so much<3 + you can discover so much on there and learn more about pretty much anything you desire. I took some sweet photos of the kids this month and here are some sweet little things they have been saying and doing…
This is February’s “Small Talk”
Dakota Rose-
- lost her very first tooth (this will go down as one of my favorite mommy moments)
- started you tubing things like she’s a big girl ??? WhAt???
- had a bout with chapped hands… like mother like daughter… ugh! poor thing
- loves to read :D- reads to her brothers at bedtime.
Jake Wyatt-
- drinks from the milk jug and taught his little brother how to as well 😉 loves these guys
- insists on helping in the kitchen with everything… he may become a culinary expert one day…
- started getting super serious about boxing with his daddy… I mean he’s gonna be an animal so watch out!
- tells me he thinks he needs some privacy in the bathroom now.. uh um… HA!
- Usually the first one awake and greets others with what he likes to call “morning kisses”- he’s a gem;)
Finnley Keith-
- hugs our necks super tight at bedtime… he’s doing this at other people’s house too, like with poppa;)
- say’s “but I’m a baby momma”- he thinks he is invisible with this phrase. Not gonna lie he usually wins..;)
- has taken an interest in the iPad and loves doing puzzles (side note- he says, “i gotta do youtube momma”) he’s been hangin with his sister too much.
- My personal favorite that he’s done for a while now is he holds his arms out way big and says I love you this much!!! melts my heart of course <3
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