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3 Things To Do When Your Marriage Needs Some TLC…

July 29, 2016

Filed in: Family Life

imageDon’t all relationships have their highs and lows?  A marriage is no exception.  In fact, from personal experience I think married couples have the most highs and lows.  I mean your literally doing everything together so why wouldn’t you experience every emotion together?  From exciting events, to brushing teeth at bedtime, were having fun together, and doing the blah parts of life together.  So how can we have more high’s and less low’s…?


I wish someone would have said to me before I got married, “now kc, this isn’t a fairytale. ”  But they didn’t.  I had to learn that the hard way, through all the lows.  You know what though, it was the low’s that taught me how to be married and that married or not, there are low’s in every relationship.  It taught me to quit putting such a high expectation on my marriage.  Don’t get me wrong, I believe marriage is great and having strong expectations is important and valuable in growing but I think so many women and maybe men too want it to be something it can never be.  perfect.

Next time your going through a low try these ideas to lighten things up 🙂


  • Seek advice from a marriage you admire.  It can be a local person in your community, or a popular book or blog.  Unveiled Wife, Husband Revolution, and Beating 50 are some wonderful ones to check into.  I know each of these bloggers personally and they are passionate, authentic, and very helpful at what they do!


  • Take a marriage challenge with/ or without telling your spouse and simply do without expecting anything in return… you’ll be surprised what you notice and learn.


  • Commit to the relationship.  Remind yourself that your spouse is your family.  I see so many couples today still clinging to their extended families instead of committing to the creation of their own family.  Your two separate people from two separate backgrounds trying to share a life together.  That’s not easy!  It takes openness, learning, sacrifice, and compromise.  These words are strong but very valuable.  They are not negative either but very positive because they are key to growing into a mature and responsible adult who has a mature, responsible marriage and family.


Give yourself and your spouse some grace for yesterday, today, and tomorrow because it’s a journey and it takes time and experience to figure out.  Pace yourself 😉

If you want more ideas and encouragement for being intentional in family life, home, and womanhood don’t forget to subscribe in the right sidebar;)

love you all and live for the most!




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