Long ago when I began this little blog I documented spaces in our home I was being intentional with. I‘d share my efforts in creating haven or I’d share what we were consuming simply to document some of the things I felt were worth noting and/or remembering. I learned the most treasured outcomes were ones that were kept easy and used often!
My great aunt sold us this picnic table recently and it’s been such a perfect addition to our backyard. With the weather in its autumn glory we’ve been enjoying it often.
Between sharing a snack or simple meal… (think store bought picnic or chili my busy mama friends) nothing too elaborate, and enjoying a hobby or game together, we’ve found a bit of respite out here connecting to each other.
Kody’s been picking her guitar and practicing her homework assignments. She started proper lessons this season. The boys… of course always with football in hand. As for Leif, he likes smiling and soaking in the sun! He also likes our attention and snuggles!
These brief spells in our busy life are what keeps me as a mother flourishing. Hopefully you all understand!? Having downtime where everyone is happy at the same time and grounded in good things fills a mama’s cup. I know it’s few and far between but consider setting up a special spot where you can strew things out to feel welcoming and warm for you and your family to be filled up.
Cheers to fall spaces friends!!
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