Small Talk…April

May 1, 2015

Filed in: Family Life

April has been busy!!! This was the first year we have two kids in ball and they just happened to have two practices a week each so were not quite sure what to think about this being gone every night thing.  They both are doing great and love every moment though.  Jared is an alumni college player so he of course loves him some baseball;) he mows a section of our meadow like a ball diamond so we can have our own little practice field!  It’s so cute to watch him and the kids out there at night.  I join in too most of the time… I took the kids out to play the other day and took these photos.  I scored some cute action shots that captured some moments worth remembering.

here’s a few other things I want to remember,

This is April’s “Small Talk”

Dakota Rose-

Loves to pester her brother… it shows in these first photos… she eats it up when he gets mad about it :/

Takes on so much responsibility for her age… she is always ready to help with her brothers, cleaning, dinner, and grocery shopping.

She has become my personal check out person at the grocery store.  We have our own assembly line routine now in the self checkout line- haha!  you should be a fly on the wall;)  Im just the manager…lol<3

Jake Wyatt-

Stepped up his game in the chores department.  He keeps surprise cleaning his room for me!  I’m of course loving it!

My little thinker… he’s always coming up with ideas and thoughts about things.  He uses such big words for a little boy too.  So proud of this <3

Keeps sneaking downstairs in the middle of the night and crawling in our bed cause he’s scared of the dark.   As soon as he gets settled in he smiles this sneaky little smile! :DDD

Finnley Keith-

Asks us if he can read us a story, but the only book he will ever “read” is Marvel’s Avenger’s.  Jared bought it for him at the book fair thinking it would be one of those books that isn’t really worth it, but oh was he wrong.  He is so into it!  He tells everything we ever needed to know about any superhero.  Me and Jared are dying;)

Unfortunately he’s become quite the little potty mouth…:/ he thinks he needs to say a bathroom word in every sentence lol!  and if those words are not enough to do the job then he’s not afraid to bust out a few curse words either… oh ya.. this kid likes attention:/ He keeps pinning his big brother and asking him “who the *** are you”  apparently this is what captain AMERICA says???? who knew?  wHaT!!!! Heaven help me with this one!

hope you guys got a chuckle out of this month cause I did!!!

xo, kc

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