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Big Cedar Lodge has always been our favorite place to stay in the Ozarks.  It’s America’s premier wilderness resort for a reason!  It’s nestled in the Ozark Mountains with views that take your breath away and adventures that leave you with lasting memories.   The atmosphere at Big Cedar is the most family friendly and […]

Family Life

August 8, 2017

The Best Family Play Day… Fun Mountain At Big Cedar!

The boys room has been such a challenge for me!  I can’t put my finger on why, but it just has been.  Not to mention every little detail that could wrong has.  Arghhh!  Haha.  It’s been a project that should have taken 1 month, but has somehow lasted 6!  There are still a few tweaks […]


July 31, 2017

Bunks + Blue Part II … The Boys’ Room

  I keep adding more and more dresses to my wardrobe because they are just so good!  I’ll choose a good dress these days over any other article and here are my reasons why…  Comfort  Dresses are perfection for a woman’s body.  You can move so freely in them and not feel like anything is […]


July 24, 2017

Why Dresses Are The Bestest

Doesn’t it surprise you?  In all my days I never considered using discipline and freedom in the same sentence.  However, life is about learning.  When the pain or lack of freedom becomes so great that it motivates discipline, it inspires change.  Changing negative behavior to positive behavior leads to betterment and a more free lifestyle. […]

Family Life

July 12, 2017

Discipline = Freedom

Our son has had a lot of health issues and sickness since he was young and we’ve battled back and forth with it being contributed to his diet.  Since nutrition and wellness is such an overwhelming topic to face we’ve tried to pace ourselves and cast a vision of better overall health and more mindfulness […]


June 26, 2017

A Tip That Minds Mealtime

I met Shauna at Hopespoken last year and we we’re kindred spirits right away.  She is so life giving and a total breath of fresh air!  She has her own clothing business called Poor Pitiful Pearl which is completely darling, but I love her for much more than that.  She offers an interesting and unique […]


June 20, 2017

Women Living For The Most… Featuring Shauna Hursh

  Once I had three children I realized quickly that I needed to find out how to make things as simple as possible and I’m always on a journey to make our everyday easier!  Over the last year I’ve really lessened our load a lot by creating a small clothing collection for each individual in […]

Family Life

June 17, 2017

Make Everyday Easier… A Simple Clothing Collection For Your Kids

Summer is on us and the bugs are breaking out!  It’s all fun and games when you’re catching fireflies in your mason jar, but what about those pesky mosquitos that won’t let you enjoy your play?  Well I’ve learned to invest in insect repellent.  It makes those summer night’s in the backyard so much better! […]


June 3, 2017

Citronella Summer… Keep The Bugs Away From Your Backyard

Every memorial weekend it rains here.  We get all excited planning our grand long weekend plans and then a big storm blows through and we end up looking out from inside the tent at the torrential down pour with shivering wet heads and shriveled up smores.  Sounds like fun huh?! Well, it truly is. Ha! […]


May 23, 2017

Memorial Weekend Musts

  Since I was a young woman I have been attracted to men.  They are fascinating creatures made to appeal to us.  Why?  Because we need them.  Let’s get to the deeper point though… WHY DO WE NEED THEM? We need them to be our partner, lead us in wise ways, and grow us into […]

Family Life

May 22, 2017

How To Encourage Men

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