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capturing life through pictures...


Savoring this summer has been the goal! With each passing year I find how fast it slips away and with my older two children now busy with teenage schedules and endless activities it leaves the younger two Ieft to entertain! Finn broke his hand this year so he had some more down time than usual […]


July 23, 2024

A Brothers Bond

So much started to change and shape up over the Spring. If you’re reading along, hopefully you noticed the announcement that I updated the site to a service now where we offer our property as a place to take pictures. After stepping back from posting much on the Outpost last year to work on our […]


July 3, 2024

Spring Shaped Up

If you follow along over on social you may have seen some new scenes I shot from our annual Christmas tree hunt. It was my first post in a year and it feels so good to be back! Who would have known my kids went from babies to grown humans in this one short year […]


December 12, 2023

A Year In Review = A Place To Take Pictures

A big lesson I’ve learned in life the past year is how important it is to lead yourself well.  It’s self sabotage to be too busy, disorganized, or to wait on others to point you in the right direction.  That classic quote “if you fail to plan then you plan to fail” rings absolutely true!  […]

family wellness

November 22, 2022

Time To Lead Self…

Long ago when I began this little blog I documented spaces in our home I was being intentional with. I‘d share my efforts in creating haven or I’d share what we were consuming simply to document some of the things I felt were worth noting and/or remembering. I learned the most treasured outcomes were ones […]

family haven

October 7, 2022

Utilized Well

No matter how many times I leave home for new adventures I seem to be drawn back to find what I was looking for. Of course both literal and metaphorically speaking… We seem to set out to find something, only to discover it’s within us along. I’ve felt at a different place in my life […]

family adventure

September 26, 2022

The Road Home

Remember that song by the Judd’s “grandpa, tell me bout the good old days?” The lyrics went something like… life’s about changes, nothing ever stays the same. Every family faces transitions throughout their lifetime together. I’ve lived through enough of them now to have a bit of an understanding about how to cope. I remember […]


June 20, 2022

Family Transitions

Pick out your outfit before anyone else’s and then plan around that. I’ve heard this so many times before and then I started practicing it and I must say it works! When mama’s happy everyone’s happy- right?! 😂 Choose a photographer that suits your style. If you have traditional taste go with that- If you […]

family wear

January 21, 2021

Five Tips For Family Photos

It was mid spring when we discovered we were expecting. We hadn’t planned to have a fourth child, but we we’re always fine with it happening. Jared and I have never been the type to close the door on having more children. We love a big family and enjoy our kids very much. However, Jared […]

family wellness

January 20, 2021

Baby Leif’s Home Birth Story

I shared in a recent social media post that I diffuse essential oils to keep the air hydrated and purified around our home. We have a wood burning fireplace so a diffuser/air purifier is a must to keep the air from getting too dry. I discovered some amazing oils from Huckberry a few years back […]

family haven

November 24, 2020

Autumn Aroma

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